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Menex Export | Soluções em exportações de produtos e serviços | Caxias do Sul

Products - Automotive

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Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic Cylinder for Heavy Automotive Line.

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Diameter Curso Closed "A" Open Fixation Lenght "B" Gate "C"
6" 650 984 1634 Central 52 105
962 1612 Lateral 30 105
850 1184 2034 Central 52 105
1162 2012 Lateral 30 140
650 984 1634 Central 52 140
962 1612 Lateral 30 140
7" 850 1184 2034 Central 52 140
1162 2012 Lateral 30 140
1200 1516 2716 Central 52 140
1494 2694 Lateral 30 140

