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Menex Export | Soluções em exportações de produtos e serviços | Caxias do Sul

Products - Automotive

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Speed Indicator LED Panel

Main Features:
 - Displacement Effects: Horizontal, Vertical, Gather, Laser, Mount, Ping-Pong, Curtain and Cloth;
 - Temperature Indicator;
 - Tacograph imput, allowing visualization of current speed of vehicle;
 - Internal Itinerary with Programming via software Message Editor Dimelthoz;
 - Color display allowing three colors: Green, Yellow and Red;
 - Message transfers via Flash Drive or CAN web;
 - Programation of messages for the entries;
 - Entry for "Toilet busy" sign;
 - Three entrys for external sign;
 - Automatic brightness control;
 - Renote control (optional);
 - Alarm clock programable with sound alarm;
 - Capacity for 999 messages.

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 Display with 8 lines and 32 columns
 Display area: 153 x 38 mm
 Diameter of each dot in the display: 4 mm
 Imput voltage: 10 vcc to 32 vcc
 Max Power: 8w
